Dogs living with friends

X-Rated of Gentle Mind

[ X-Rated of Gentle Mind, "Soleil" ]
Female, parti-colored fawn, black brindled, born on 12/05/2006
Titel: Ch. (CH), Ch. (S&L), Gewinnerin SWRV Multi-Cup 2010, Dt. Ch. VDH, Ch. für S&L (CH), Ch. (CH)

Xanthippe of Gentle Mind

[ Xanthippe of Gentle Mind, "Prada" ]
Female, parti-colored fawn, black brindled, born on 03/19/2010
Titel: Dt. Ju. Ch. (WCD), FCI Jahrhundertjugendsiegerin 2011, Clubjugendsiegerin 2011, Dt. Ch. (WCD)

Xenophanes of Gentle Mind

[ Xenophanes of Gentle Mind ]
Male, fawn, black brindled with white marks, born on 03/19/2010

Xenophon of Gentle Mind

[ Xenophon of Gentle Mind ]
Male, parti-colored fawn, black brindled, born on 03/19/2010

Yesterday Memory of Gentle Mind

[ Yesterday Memory of Gentle Mind ]
Female, white, born on 06/02/2007
Titel: Dt. Ch. (WCD), Dt. Ju-Ch. (WCD), Dt. Ju-Ch. (DWZRV), Österr. Clubsiegerin, Club-Jugendsieger (WCD) 2008, Österr. Clubsiegerin 2011

Yesterday Shadow of Gentle Mind

[ Yesterday Shadow of Gentle Mind ]
Male, fawn, black brindled with white marks, born on 06/02/2007
Titel: Russ. Junior-Champion, Ju.-Baltic Winner, Ju.Ch. (Lit)

Zipping Za-Za of Gentle Mind

[ Zipping Za-Za of Gentle Mind, "Kira" ]
Female, parti-colored fawn, black brindled, born on 06/09/2007

Zipping Zucchero of Gentle Mind

[ Zipping Zucchero of Gentle Mind, "Linus" ]
Male, parti-colored fawn, black brindled, born on 06/09/2007
Titel: Jugendwinner Donaueschingen 2008, Dt.-Ju.-Ch. (WCD), Dt. Ch. (WCD), Dt. Ch. (VDH)